Wednesday, April 29, 2009

The Father’s Gifts

As a child of God each of us are given gifts from Him at the time we accept His Son as our Lord and Savior. There are “gifts of the spirit” (1 Corinthians 12, Romans 12 & Ephesians 4) these are the gifts God gives to each believer for the building of His kingdom.

One of the bible study classes my church has given in the past was on spiritual gifts, in the class we all took a spiritual gift survey to determine what our gifts maybe. From the spiritual gifts survey, I learned my gifts are maybe faith, knowledge, prophecy, exhortation and pastor. So, I begin to pray God will reveal to me which gift (s) He has given me and to start manifesting them in my life. You know that old saying, “be careful what you pray for, you might just get it.” Yes, I am here to tell you, if you did not know already it is so true.

God has started to manifest the gift of prophecy in me. What is the gift of prophecy? The website says the following about prophecy: “Prophecy is speaking the word or message of God for a particular circumstance or time. In Biblical times prophets foretold the future, condemned unrighteous acts, gave encouragement, recommended courses of action to rulers or to priests and warned of judgment. Only a small portion of the work of a prophet involves predicting the future, and even the predictions are designed either to teach or to correct.” The Apostle Paul said in 1 Corinthians 14:39 “to be eager to prophecy.”

I would have been eager to prophecy before my cousin went into the hospital to have a lung transplant which was March 16, 2009. This is when God started to manifested the gift of prophecy in me. He showed me my cousin’s death and said prepare myself but how does one begin to prepare themselves for something like this. I was also to prepare my family but again, how do I prepare them for something like this. As I sat in the hospital with my family, I remember Hezekiah prayer for God to extend his years, so I begin to pray God would extend my cousin’s years but He continued to say prepare them but I did not want to do it. So, I thought I could change His mind. It was not until the day before she died that I changed my prayers and begin to pray what God had instructed me to pray. I believe my cousin also had the gift of prophecy because she told me two years ago that are family would be restored in her death. She said, “I am willing to be that sacrifice for the family.” I now believe the morning she called to tell me about her lung transplant that she knew God was calling her home. When I talk to her that morning it was a little anxiousness in her voice but there was also peace.

The same week we were making funeral arrangement for my cousin, again, I heard “prepare yourself.” My first thought was oh no, God, no. I knew it was my Grandma this time and as God told me He was taking her home with Him, I cried and I cried. If foreseeing the death of my love ones was a part of this gift of prophecy I did not want any parts of it. I told God He could have His gift back but I knew in my heart and soul I had to accept it. So, when my dad called Thursday April 9, 2009, I was not surprised but I was still hurt and saddened by her depart from this life. My cousin and Associate Pastor pointed something out to me about both of there deaths. My cousin was 33 years old at the time of her death and Jesus was 33 when He left this earth to be with the Father. My Grandma left this earth during Holy Week, on the day of Passover. You know the day Jesus prepared His first disciples for what was about to happen to Him. I thank God because He is so good, He does not have to explain stuff to us but He does, even now as I write this I am getting revelations from the Father. As Jesus prepared His disciples for what was about to happen to Him, I was suppose to prepare my family for what was about to happen to us but in pure disobedience and out of selfishness I did not do this until it was too late. I had to deal with it and ask for forgiveness from the Father then forgive myself and look towards the other things God will show me to encourage, uplift, comfort and help my family, friends and neighbors.

I mention before on the blog about a 2:49 a.m. wake up call from God. In which the Father told me He loved me and not to worry about anything, that He was working everything out for me. Then I told you all about the vision I had of running up some stairs to get to the platform because I had some stuff in my mouth and when I open my mouth to spat the contents out it was diamonds and pearls. I believe the diamonds and pearls, are being able to witness and let the glory of my Heavenly Father shine in my life. I also, believe God was given me a sign that all this would occur and that I would have the opportunity to minister to my family. I now know that God is working other avenues for me to be a light and witness to my family, friends and neighbors (neighbors being anyone who pass my way).

While God is still teaching me to operate in this gift and others, I have accepted that I am by birth right a gifted young lady for the Father. So, He can use me to do His good and perfect will. In the future when I have another opportunity to go and say what thus said the Lord, I will gladly do so. As the Lord told Moses, I will tell them, 'I AM has sent me to you. Exodus 3:14)'

1 comment:

ciearra said...

That was so moving i did not what to stop reading.GOD is doing some wonderful things in your life.