When one of God children is going through problems in their lives, they should turn to God for answers. But what if God is not answering their cries for help? What if they can feel the presence of the Lord all around them but can’t hear Him? Who can they turn too for assistance with the problem? This is the question I faced these last two months, after dreaming the most disturbing things about people who are connect to me personally and professionally and after giving in to unusual thoughts and imaginations I need answers to why this was happening to me so I turned to God but there was no response from my Heavenly Father and like so many of my brothers and sisters in Christ I decide to suffered in silence with these thoughts.
In the meantime I continued to seek God’s counsel in the morning, during the day and at nights to help me through this, to deliver my mind from these attacks from the enemy. I asked if He would send me a Joseph (see book of Genesis chapter 41) or Daniel (see book of Daniel chapter 5:12) to interpret the dreams for me, if He would not tell me directly what they meant. Still there was nothing but I could feel His presence all around me. After spending the last three years getting to know Him, I knew the silence was either He was trying to teach me something or He was trying to show me something. But being the sometimes stubborn person that I am, I just wanted to hear directly from my Heavenly Father, clearly He knows me better than anyone else. So He should be the person to tell me what all this stuff means and what I need to do. God who is the author of my life knows best what is going on, so at this point I did not want second hand information. I wanted it directly from the sources but He was not answering me. I contradict my prayer by asking God to send someone who could interpret dreams to almost demanding He tell me what they meant.
This last two weeks were difficult for me, writing this blog is a little difficult for me but if I can help somebody drawer closer to God than the temporary discomfort I feel is well worth it. I am within my Father’s perfect will for the life He has given me. It has been difficult because I am a very private person by nature and sharing my life with people I do not know is something I am not use too, especially the deeply private stuff, like this.
Then on Monday of this week I felt like I had reached my breaking point. I went to God seeking His guidance, begging for something to change then I saw the numbers 8 and 47 in my dreams. I knew the number 8 meant new beginnings but there was no meaning for the number 47, so I asked God, the meaning of the number 47. As I pondered what the numbers meant the Holy Spirit lead me to the Psalms but I was running late, so I decide to read Psalm 23.
Tuesday came and things seem to be any better for me, so as I sat in Bible Study class Tuesday night contemplating on whether or not to tell the class about what I believe to be attacks from the enemy on my mind. There was the Holy Spirit again urging me on to speak up. It was at the end of the class when we do praise reports and prayer request that I finally asked for prayer. If God would not answer me directly then I would have my brothers and sister petition Him on my behalf and that they did as well as encourage me. As our teacher was praying, God was comforting me, I felt at ease. The dreams, visions and images were an attack from the enemy but I remember the praise of the righteous avail. I also remember were two or three are gathered in My name, God said there He would be also.
It was then I heard my Heavenly Father talking to me, He said, “Ryane you are not an island unto yourselves, you need them and they need you.” It was in the hugs and encouraging words of support, that God revealed to me, it is okay to ask for help sometimes. Because you are my child does not mean you will not go through some problems in this life but because you are mine, you can count on some problems in this life. God said the difference between you and the people of the world is you have me and your brothers and sisters in the faith to lean on.
Here is the lesson I learned, it is okay to lean on others when you are feeling down. I do not have too suffer in silence when things are going on with me. My brothers and sisters in Christ are here to help me and pray for me and if God be for me, who really can be against. No one!!!!
So, when you are not hearing anything from God know that you can turn to your brothers and sister in Christ.
Please excuse any grammatical errors or mispellings in this blog, my editor is still at home enjoying her beautiful gift from God.
This blog serves as a forum for me to discuss my faith, the Christian faith in an open and honest dialogue that would be pleasing in the eyes of my Heavenly Father. The editorials are solely from the heart and mind of Ryane B. Nickens. It is not my desire to impose my faith and belief on anyone but to share why I love my Heavenly Father and why I answered His call for the life He gave me. It is my sincere hope that you too will hear and answer the Father’s call on your life.
Hey there.....This was the first that I read your blog, and it blew me away. You answered your title near the end of your blog. We know that God is always there to turn to, but so are our brothers and sisters in Christ. It reminded me of what I had been going through and I kept everything inside.....praying to God of course, and not going to my family for prayer. I had to realize that of course God is always there, but so is the family....we just have to open up and share. There are some with many gifts....and this is why God appointed them with these spiritual gifts so that they can assist us when needed. I pray that God will comfort you while you sleep at night and give you protection and peace throughout the day. Stay Blessed Ryane...
Okay I'm done now! Another great one! Girl u keep letting God use you. I pray all those who read will be blessed. Because none of us are an island and we do have each other to lean on but so many suffer in silence. I pray that someone who read this will also speak up and speak out. I'm so glad u are in my life Ryane!
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