Tuesday, December 7, 2010

The Salvation of Saving: 21 Day Financial Fast_ Day 8

The plans of the diligent lead to profit as surely as haste leads to poverty. Proverbs 21:5

14 Days to Go: God’s Blueprint for Saving

Main Point: There is great reward in saving.

My Pledge: I will commit today to set aside a percentage of every paycheck for my savings.

Daily Assignment: If you are not regularly saving money, make the commitment today to save at least 5 percent of every paycheck. For example, if your net income during one pay period is $1, 500.00, you will save $75.00.

If you work for a company, contact your benefits coordinator to set up an automatic deposit into your savings account. Put the money into an account and resolve not to touch it.

If you are already saving, consider increasing the amount you are putting aside. Five percent is just a beginning. If you really want to boost your savings, go to 10 or 15 percent.

To give your savings a purpose, list the things you would like to do with the money. For example, pay off a debt, take a long-overdue vacation, make some home improvements, etc. Post the list someplace where you will see it frequently to help maintain your commitment and motivation to save.

My Response: I am currently not saving any of my income, due to the fact, 95 percent of it goes right back out the door. But I will make a commitment starting today to saving at the very least $10.00 out of every check I receive to start with.
In the future I will put away five dollars from every book I sale into a saving account that will not be touch. It will be in my Emergency Fund account.
I can use the money to assist with my book tour I will take in 2011, to promote my first book. The money can be used to pay off debt and to help my parents and Granny with their bills or wants.

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